What they’re saying at the Congress

09 September 2012 | Article

“You’ve heard about the financial institutions that needed to be rescued and were ‘too big to fail.’ How much bigger is our planet?”
Bharrat Jagdeo, Former President of Guyana

“The Congress is the best public space for private and multinational environmental organisations to seek common solutions to move forward in achieving sustainable development goals.”
Roberto Marcos, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IUCN Member, Ecuador

“This is my first congress and I am very happy because my feeling is that people are mobilizing to take action.”
Alejandra Cornejo, CeDePesca, IUCN Member, Argentina

“There are many stakeholders in biodiversity conservation: governments, policymakers, consumers, conservation organizations and businesses. We should all work together to solve this complex issue and do so relying on each others’ strengths.”
Takeshi Takagi, Hitachi, Japan

“The smell of Jeju reminds me of the perfume that I used to smell when I was growing up. The only difference is that now it is seasoned with the great smile of the Koreans.”
Gustavo Z'uar, Vitalis Agencia de Noticias, Mexico

“We all know what we need to do. Now we need to focus on how to do it.”
Peter Bakker, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Switzerland