
Japanese singer IRUKA and Julia Marton-Lefèvre, IUCN's Director General

Japanese singer IRUKA renews her commitment to serve as an IUCN Goodwill Ambassador

Today, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, IRUKA signed a renewal of the agreement to serve as an IUCN Goodwill Ambassador for 2 more years. …  

11 Sep 2012 | Article
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Donald Macintosh, Senior Advisor, Mangroves for the Future Programme

Reaping from investing in the coastal ecosystems

Donald Macintosh, Senior Advisor, Mangroves for the Future Programme talks about how investing in coastal ecosystem like the mangroves is a win-win situation for everyone as it gives a massive boost to the ecology and the economy while protecting us from natural disasters like the tsunami. …  

10 Sep 2012 | Video
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Gonzalo Oviedo

Nature benefits for all

What does nature+people & governance mean in simple terms? Do people share the same benefits from nature? Gonzalo Oviedo, IUCN Special Adviser for Social Policy, is addressing these questions.  …  

10 Sep 2012 | Video

H.E. Dr. Kinzang Dorji

Measuring people's happiness

H.E. Dr. Kinzang Dorji, former Prime minister of Bhutan speaks about how this small country from Asia is making big strides by keeping people happy and using it as an indicator for national growth. …  

10 Sep 2012 | Video

Lagoon fisherman, Barren Isles archipelago, Mozambique Channel

Des kayaks jusqu’en Corée – des chefs de communautés partagent sur une scène mondiale leur expertise locale en matière de gestion marine

Aujourd’hui, des chefs locaux venus du monde entier ont présenté au Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN des techniques novatrices en matière de gestion marine communautaire. Ces pionniers dirigent des Zones marines sous gestion locale (LMMA) aux quatre coins du monde et viennent de pays tels que Fidji, le Kenya, Madagascar, le Vietnam, la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, la Colombie et l’Inde. …   | English | Spanish

10 Sep 2012 | Article
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Dr. Samantha Smith

What they’re saying at the Congress…

I’ve had a lot of stimulating and interesting conversations. I work for a mining company but I feel likeminded with the conservationists that are here and I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and getting ideas that we can try and feature.
Dr. Samantha Smith, Nautilus Minerals, Australia …  

10 Sep 2012 | Article

Selva Viva, Napo. Amazonía Ecuatoriana

Giving life to the Amazon vision!

Having nine countries working together to put protected areas to the service of society might not be easy. RedParques, WWF and IUCN believe it's possible and they have developed a 10-year action plan to protect the iconic Amazon Basin with the invovelment of indigenous peoples’. …  

10 Sep 2012 | Article
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Working with key partners, Nespresso has built new milling facilities that bring coffee farmers together to improve the consistency of coffee quality and reduce the environmental impacts of coffee processing in Jardín, Colombia.

From bean to drink – turning coffee green

‘Ecosystems in Life Cycle Assessment to help businesses in their decision making process’, is just one of the many Knowledge Cafés taking place at the IUCN Congress, and it discussed how companies can understand the environmental performance of their products. …  

10 Sep 2012 | Article
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Dr. Cristian Samper, President and CEO - World Conservation Society

Can we stop species from disappearing?

Today species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. What needs to happen to reverse this? Cristián Samper, President and CEO of Wildlife Conservation Society tells the story of the American buffalo, the largest land mammal in North America, that was brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to the efforts of people, governments and institutions like those present at IUCN’s Congress. …  

09 Sep 2012 | Video
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Camilla Toulmin, Director of the International Institute for Environment and Development

Can we feed the world sustainably?

Camilla Toulmin, Director of the International Institute for Environment and Development, an independent think tank, speaks about the inequalities in food access and the impact of biofuels. …  

09 Sep 2012 | Video
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