It’s not just people, nature has rights too

14 September 2012 | Article

Among the many motions that have been adopted here at the IUCN Congress is one that begins a process of recognizing the Rights of Nature as a fundamental element for environmental protection.

The proposal came from the IUCN Ecuadorian Member Ecolex, with the support of several organizations in South America, including the Indigenous organization COICA.

Manolo Morales, Ecolex Director highlights the fact that the motion was debated in a contact group which brings together the different interest groups, and this helped to strengthen it.

“Now that this is a mandate for IUCN, we will plan a number of activities in several levels. A national level through the Ecuadorian Committee Members. At a global level, through IUCN’s Environmental Law Commission to promote awareness of the issue and the development of case studies on how to apply the Nature rights in the field”, he added.

IUCN Director General and IUCN Members were invited to promote the signing of a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Nature, as a first step towards reconciliation between people and the Earth.

Listen to Manolo Morales’ interview in Spanish.

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¿Qué se discutió en el grupo de contacto?